Join our affiliate program dedicated to Biohackers !

Influencer in the biohacking market ? or leading consultant in integrative medecine ? This page is for you ! All about the various advantages of collaborating with COMOSYSTEMS: Go to this page: INFLUENCERS

Are you an influencer ? are you connected to a large community of biohackers, are you familiar with social networks or do you just have a blog with lots of followers ? You can promote our technology and help people understand the importance of self-protecting from their daily exposure to invisible artifical electromagnetic fields. All you have to do is just say few words about how this technology have optimized your quality of life and place an affiliate link in your text.

Each time one of your followers will click on the link and buy some equipment, you will automacally receive a notification of a new commission waiting for you. Don’t hesitate and register here: you will be asked to provide your PayPal account email for the payment of your commissions.

Once you are registered your account will be approved: almost immediatly you can visit your CPanel, check the statistics of the activity, find what commissions are due, what are paid, how many clicks you had, where, who, when, how much etc..

From “Marketing materials” you will be able to download whatever is needed to generate the affiliate links (coded to your account): it can be just plain text, or a simple banner, a pop up or a flash banner, a PDF , a video, etc: your code links the client to our onlineshop, to our affiliate program and to your account: we dont even have to do anything: it is all automatized.

We have chosen Idevaffiliate that we consider the most reliable of all programs.