My name Is Michel AERTS, and I am the international commercial director for the company COMOSYSTEMS SL. I am also in charge of animating our affiliate program: we are not really “affiliate marketers”, but an affiliate software allows, helps, people to share health tips and advices in their communities or social groups. Some will want to share this awareness of the fact that EMF exposure is not a fatality, and that there are some technologies where you can find real science, real results, ongoing research. More than anything, we are a team of human beings, who explore, on a daily basis, with passion, all the ways to improve our health: we are essentially biohackers, we test what is the best water, what is the best food supplement, we test the latest innovative technologies that can helps us to measure, understand, or at list to think in an integrative approach, how our body adapts to its environment. This is why we invite influencers to collaborate with us : because our ongoing research is an open discussion, and we welcome any project, study, inquiry, testimony, that could enrich our present knowledge, and to share it with all.
Our company specialize since over 20 years in EMF protection, but it is a couple of years ago, at the Health Optimization Summit in London (2019) that one of our conference inspired several biohackers: the message became clear: our technology was fit for biohackers !
You can check this 3 mn video that is a short explainer video on the basic mechanisms explaining the operating principles:
Why is it interesting biohackers specifically ?
It does not only protect from the health impact of waves, but more important, it appears that our technology is able to interact with most markers of stress: finally, the technology acts as a health optimizer, and biohackers clearly express the feeling of this improvement: you can check here one testimonial that is very expressive: A Professional coach and biohacker tests C.M.O with OURA ring..
You can also check this video where we studied the impact of wifi on the behavior or colonies of ants, at University of Brussels (Belgium).: Ants dont like WiFI ! a fascinating experiment.

This to say that in October 2019 DAVE ASPREY himself decided to buy several thousands of our products, and placed it in his “Biohacking box #13” as introduced in this video:
The promotion was such a success that Dave Asprey started to promote more our technology with :
- articles (
- social media like Instagram : if you look at the third row of videos, in Dave Asprey Bio, you will find our “Compensating Magnetic Oscillator”:
- newsletter and soon in the blog of Dave Asprey;
- Today, a Podcast in the Friday Cool Facts Podcast.
What were the reasons that convince such an influencer to promote our technology ?
It took years before Dave Asprey and other major influencers decided to address the issue of electrosmog: why ?

Because sadly, this industry has been represented by too many opportunists who found a niche market based on fear: the communication was always relating to the risk for pregnant woman, babies, etc, targeting emotions of guilt, , but very little even nothing serious was done about the demonstration of any efficacy: almost all competing products claims scientific testing’s, but none of these claims are published in peer review papers: most are self-declaration, and there is no way to control the authenticity of their claims.

The second major reason is about FDA : many institutions, lobbies, do not want to hear anything suggesting there could be a health issue with using a cellular phone or a computer: the interests are so high that many of our competitors were victims of lawsuits and, by a lack of substantial scientific argumenta, were forced to close down.
There are 20 years we are on the market, and we are “still standing”.
The economic impact of a FDA interdiction of publication for an influencer like DAVE ASPREY is a very high financial risk, and this explain that he waited to meet with us and to consult our extensive scientific file , including over 15 peer reviewed publications and congresses.

It is part of our history, at COMOSYSTEMS, that once, one of our French distributor received a governmental interdiction to make any health claims and to remove it all from his internet site: the institution was the AFSAAPS, (the equivalent of the French FDA), and the 2 MD of our team, Dr Messagier, our actual C.E.O, and Dr Marco Paya, our scientific director, , fought back the court decision and obtained a published statement that we were authorized to write ( or to state that):
“CMOs are an excellent way (…) to effectively protect us from the uncertain but likely harmfulness of electromagnetic waves ”
very few companies in the world has been through this type of process, and this is very encouraging, would we be questioned on our sources: but this has been also our main philosophy: “to never make a claim that is not backed up by a study that itself has been published in the scientific literature and journals, and reviewed by peers such as well-known international scientists and researchers”. So these are strong motivation for influencers to consider collaborating with us: you will promote a technology that has years of experience , of positive feedbacks, the efficacy is demonstrated by biological proofs, and the product keeps on being increasingly successful.
It is time for us now to enlarge our network of influencers: the partnership with DAVE ASPREY has taught us to run a good social media platform (Instagram and Facebook mainly) and to make sure we can respond with reactivity to the US demands: we have settled stocks in a Florida based fulfillment company in Fort Lauderdale: this way, deliveries are not affected by customs, COVID, etc: people usually get delivered in 3 to 4 days from the time of their order. We invite ANY type of influencers: from the largest top rated influencers, to medium or small networks: you have followers ? you enjoy sharing scientific information, you are familiar with social networks ? you make newsletters ? you have email lists ? This concerns you: tomorrow you can start publishing articles, videos, or share anything on our social media: just embed your publication with a simple “affiliate code”, that you will obtain just by registering to our free program, and you start earning money.
Social media, contents, publications, etc..

An important factor for an operator on this market, is our ability to provide you with regular, quality scientific contents: and this is where we excel: our team is actually doing ongoing research: to illustrate, during our promotion with DAVE ASPREY, we met for instance with a famous US cardiologist who has decided to launch with us a new set of research that will demonstrate how EMF may impact the cardiovascular system and how our technology is able to prevent this impact.
ILLUSTRATION ON THE LEFT: Article written by Dr Messagier & Dr Paya: EMF and Oxydative stress, published on the BIOHACKING HANDBOOK from DAVE ASPREY:
Similarly, we are also studying in depth a new marker of health: Heart Rate Variability, where it could become an additional mean of quantifying the health optimization provoked by our technology.
Also, we “smile” when some competitors claims that their protection is fit for 5G: 5G is for now a mere upgraded 4G, and do no differ really much from what exists; regardless, the full deployment of 5G, meaning when every house on the planet will be stuffed with tiny millimeter antenna, with millions of beam tracking cells, with every domestic appliance linked to the I.O.T, etc, yes, withing few years, the quality and quantity of radiation will be such that a re-assessment of its impact will have to be done: we work on it, actually, and we evolve with it. In such a way that our technology keeps on improving as the conditions of the environment changes.
Ongoing research:
All this research is “food for social media” what means it is very easy for us to write quality articles on as many issues as you can expect: with our team of MDs, and our network of experts (such as quantum physicists, experts on EMF and insects, etc..) this means we can always provide you with new publications, innovative and adapted to the trends: for instance, at the time of COVID, we immediately wrote and published articles on EMF and the immune system.(see article attached)
Dr René Messagier, in copy of this mail, invites you to join in the discussion if some topics could be developed in this collaboration: I let him share his thoughts and suggestions, but to conclude, the type of collaboration that we propose can be materialized with our affiliate program, exactly in the same conditions as we work with few majors influencers like DAVE ASPREY: we offer a 20% commission rate on any sale coming from your network, and we provide you with a discount coupon to offer to your followers that will reduce their purchase amount by 10%.
We are open to other kind of collaboration, just make suggestions if affiliation is not your solution.
If of any interest, contact me and I will give you the very simple steps to become our free affiliate.
Please, keep reading below my signature , the personal invitation for collaboration from Dr René Messagier, C.E.O. of COMOSYSTEMS.

Letter from the C.E.O: Dr Messagier, head of research at COMOSYSTEMS invites for scientific collaboration:
Dear Colleague, or dear future collaborator,

As you are fully aware, current emerging and chronic diseases (autoimmune, degenerative, infectious, etc.) are of multifactorial origins and often linked to damage to our major homeostasis management systems such as hormonal, neurological, and immune systems…
It has been proven for many years that various forms of pollution, whether chemical, physical, electromagnetic, or psychological, are long-term disruptors of these body’s regulatory systems.
It is therefore quite logical for Comosystems to tackle the root causes of the disturbances of these major electro-physico-chemical balances.
Electromagnetic pollution stands as on the primary causes for cells ‘ionic exchanges disruption at this most fundamental level, resulting in numerous disorders of homeostatic functions.
For more than twenty years, we have been scrutinizing the biochemical foundations that underlie the biological effects of electromagnetic fields. Collaborating with high-level and influential physicists, we studied through the constant evolution of technologies, the ideal solution to compensate for the adverse effects of exposure to EMF.
The list of works cited as references by Mr Michel AERTS expresses our commitment to succeed in this path and is materialized by the positive results obtained over 20 parameters studied.
From a holistic health point of view, the reduction or, sometimes, the total removal of adverse biological effects lead to a quantified reduction of general and cellular stress. This has been demonstrated in several studies on human and animals, with a normalization of the function of the H-P-A axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis) resulting in the normalization of stress hormones levels and psychophysiological stress parameters.
As part of your activity, you advise lifestyle modifications, mental changes, dietary supplements, immune, hormonal, and neuronal modulators in order to boost or optimize the functions of large organ systems.
All of these measures are increasingly validated and recognized, sought after by more and more people, aware of the limits of orthodox medicine.
Our studies, in a complementary manner, suggest that this integrative approach to health is required, is natural to humans, but can be upgraded by taking the following steps:
• Staying away (as much as possible) from all sorts of pollution, including electrosmog
• Remembering the good practices for a rational use of communication technologies
• Mitigate the adverse effects of artificial radiation on our cellular functions in order to obtain a better response to the therapeutic solutions or biohacks you propose.
Our present research program includes:
-assessment of the impact of 5G
- EMF impact on the cardiovascular system (in collaboration with a highly qualified US team)
- Heart Rate Variability as a possible marker of efficacy of our technology
- Optimization of the bioavailability of nutrients
- EMF exposure and its interaction with the microbiome/ intestinal wall.
- Another new topic currently undergoing in collaboration with the team of a Spanish laboratory will encompass EMF at the workplace and its links to productivity and quality of life of the workers.
Tomorrow, we will go even further, with :
• Mechanisms of action of artificial electromagnetic fields at the cell membrane level, from a theoretical point of view and also experimental by the means of new, innovative and extremely precise new measuring tools that will allow more accurate understanding of the modifications of membrane receptors.
This to make a point: collaboration is not merely a commercial opportunity: we both have, as communicators and manufacturers of technologies, the same responsibility to bring the best of knowledge to the public awareness, even if it is needed to trespass the limits of what the “official science agrees with”.
So this collaboration is also an invitation: our projects are “open” and you may be in situation to bring your own input, or help us to meet with experts or any source that could help us to optimize our results.
What will be always shared in this collaboration, is “innovative scientific information” than we can turn to digestible contents to share on sites, blogs, and social networks : influencers know this is to be the best “food for followers”, since biohackers today are more and more hungry of relevant information.
So we hope that you will make your own “menu” to set up the level of collaboration that best serve your interest, and we hope our message is clear enough.
Best regards
Dr René Messagier

Just register here: : fill up the information you want, basically, all we need is your name and adress, and a Paypal account to pay your commission. The great thing about this program is transparency: in real time, you and us, share the same information: you get instantly notified when a new purchase generates your first commissions, and so do we: no discussion, we share the same account. When it is time to pay you, we just ask you to send us an invoice, that is it. The first time you login ( ) to your dashboard, you will find your affiliate link: this link is the code to embed in any of your publications: when people click on it, very transparently, they get redirected to our shop, and as soon as they purchase, the commission is credited to your account. You will be given a discount code for your followers to invite them to get a 10% discount. We pay the same commission level to ANYBODY and EVERYBODY: 20% of the sale amount (not including transport) is credited to your account.

This is what your standard affiliate link will look alike: just copy and paste it in any publication, post, thread, email etc: it will always link to your account and to our shop.
We can provide you with all the contents that you can see in our social networks: we publish almost every day a new post in our social media, so you have a large choice. You can also directly from your account, publish to your social media or blog, site, it will come pre-coded with your invisible link. It is really a user friendly program, and think that we have been using for years with major influencers, dealing with hundreds of orders, with not one mistake so far…
Contact me personally to set up your account, or just go to our registering link. Thank you for becoming a member of our community.
Michel AERTS. International Commercial Director for COMOSYSTEMS.