A. Publications peer reviewed
A1: Effects of mobile phone radiation on reproduction and development in Drosophila melanogaster
A1.1 External link Pr Goodman Study
A2: Ocular functions loading by visual display terminal and the effect of Tecno AO…..
A2.1 Dr Anne Silk comments on Pr Miyata study
A3: Review of studies validating the protective efficacy of a new technology ….
A4: Exposure, Human Responses and Building Investigations….
A5: VDU Radiation…
A6: Biological Effects of Continuous Exposure of Embryos and Young Chickens….
A7: Video screen exposure and 6-sulfatoxymelatonin urinary excretion in women…
A8: Toxicological study of electromagnetic radiation emitted by television and video display
screens and cellular telephones on chickens and mice…..
B.Presentations in International Congresses and Expert Opinions
B10: NIR Congress: Synthesis of eleven theoretical, animal and human Tecno AO studies
B12: Mortality of chicken embryos continuously exposed under GSM cell
B13: Mortality of chicken’s embryos exposed to EMFs from mobile phones…
B14: Damage of chickens embryos by EMFs from mobile phones
B15 Pilot study to evaluate…..GSM base stations
B16: Bio effects of continuous exposure of embryos and young chickens to ELF…
B17: Bio effects of continuous exposure of embryos and young chickens, Nancy….
B19: Interference from GSM cell phones with the production of stress hormones in healthy and Lewis lung….
B21: Intracellular calcium and ACTH …. GSM Tecno AO
B22: Sensivity of chicken embryos to portable computer radiation (LCD*)
B24: Improvement of psychotechnical performances and stress resistance after…
B25: Cortisol variations observed in mice placed in front of color TV screen…
B26: Cortisol alterations observed in mice placed in front of color TV screen:
B27: Electromagnetic Radiation & Comfort in the Workplace: Tecno AO study report…
B28: Effects of radiations from a Wi-Fi router on ants’ behavior and evaluation
B29: Influence of the cell phone on humans with and without Tecno AO protection…..
B30: Physical constraints specifying primary mechanisms whereby Tecno AO and
B31: Molecular gyroscope as a likely target for weak electromagnetic fiels in biological systems …..
B33: Effect of GSM 900/1800 MHz microwaves on concentration of exhaled nitric oxide in humans…..
B34: Investigating the psychological effect of Tecno AO antennae on VDU users…..
B35 : Theoretical and Experimental Evidences where Present Safety Standards Conflictwith Reality
C. Expert opinion on CMO technology
- Publications peer reviewed
The main peer reviewed scientific publications of the results of the protection obtained with CMO (always positive) are as follows:
1/ – Journal of cellular Biochemistry: J Cell Biochem. 2003 May 1;89(1):48-55. Vol. 89, Issue1, 2003, pages 48-55. “Effects of mobile phone radiation on reproduction and development in Drosophila melanogaster”.
Auteurs: Weisbrot D (1), Lin H (2), Ye L (3) , Blank M . and Goodman R (1).
Prof. Reba Goodman
Professor of Pathology, Department de Pathology,
- Columbia University Health Sciences, 630 West, 168 Street, New York, USA
- Department of Chemistry , The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology , Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong , China
- Department of Pharmacy, The First People’s Hospital of Bijie, Bijie, China.
- Department of Physiology, Columbia University, New York, New York 10032, USA. mb32@columbia.edu
An increase in synthesis of the stress protein HSP 70 is a sign of cellular stress (and also of the hyper- activation of the DNA’s SRE sequence – see page 23). It shows that a factor that is toxic for the body is present. The stress protein HSP 70 is considered to be a significant marker for evaluating environmental pollution.
The test involves quantifying HSP 70 synthesis in the living systems studied which are exposed to electromagnetic radiation from a mobile telephone.
The trial results provide objective data of a large cellular stress linked to exposure. The presence of a compensatory oscillator (CMO) reduced HSP 70 by 73% compared to the increase seen in exposed subjects.
Abstract here : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=%22Effects+of+mobile+phone+radiation+on+reproduction+and+development+in+Drosophlia+melanogaster%22
Publication in Appendix 1
Clarifications about this study: what is MP12, what is TecnoAo, what is COMOSYSTEMS
For this study, the cellular CMO protection used was the called MP12, a specific protection for cellular phones manufactured by COMOSYSTEMS.The technology used in this protection was called TecnoAo. Today, MP12, for aesthetic reasons has evolved to MP23 EASYCALL.
Tecnolab / Comosystems: Tecnolab was the research facility, COMOSYSTEMS is the development facility. TECNOLAB- TECHNOLOGIES BIO-INFORMATIONNEL : AVENUE DE L’EUROPE, ZAC DE LA THALIE.71100 CHALON SUR SAONE (FRANCE)
COMPANY NUMBER: 413 375 056 00020 TecnoLab was the name given to the laboratory during the research and development phase, under the supervision of Mr Fillion Robin. Today, we operate from one sole entity: COMOSYSTEMS SL.
2/ – Japanese Review of Clinical Ophthalmology 1999; 11: 1634-1636 / 32-35.
“Ocular functions loading by visual display terminal and the effect of TecnoAO ”. Auteurs: Yayoi Satou, Akiko Hara, Kouji Oono, Hiromi Kikuchi, Hiroe Matsuzaki, Tatsuto Namba and Mikio Miyata School of Medicine Kitasato University, 1-15-1 Kitasato, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, 228-8555, Japan
Vol 11, Number 93, 1999, pages 1634-1637, 32-35 Prof. Mikio MIYATA Professor of Medicine and Ophthalmology, Ophthalmology Faculty 1988-99 at Kitasato University of Medicine, Kanagawa, Japan. Since 1999 at the Environmental Medical Center, Kitasato Institute Hospital, Japan Publications in Japan: 139. For his expertise on CEM and the eye: 1999 Member of the Japanese government Research Board into the 700 simultaneous cases of epilepsy in children caused accidentally on December 16th 1997 by a Pokémon video game during a national television broad- cast.
International publications:14
o “Experimental study on possibility of corneal injury by electromagnetic waves” Hippokrates VerlagStuttgart, S.Ishikawa et al; reprint p 87-99, 1995
o “Aggravation of allergic conjunctivitis possibly due to electromagnetic waves”, Current Aspects in Ophthalmology, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., p. 214-218, 1992
Publication in Appendix 2
3/- Radioprotecção. The Journal of the Portuguese Society for Radiation Protection (IRPA) , Vol I, N 8 and 9, pp 105-123, ISSN 874-7016
“2000-2001, “Review of studies validating the protective efficacy of a new technology (Tecno A.O. CMO) designed to compensate potential adverse bioeffects caused by VDU and GSM cell phone radiation”. Auteurs: Youbicier-Simo B.J, Messagier R., Fillion-Robin M., Tecnolab Research Centre – France
Dr. Benoît-Jules YOUBICIER-SIMO – Doctor in Neurosciences – University Reader
Immunology and Parasitology Laboratory, Pharmacy Faculty, Montpellier 1 University, 15, av. de Flahault, 34060 Montpellier Cedex 1, France Biological Research Director, Tecnolab Research Centre Expertise: neuro-endocrinology, immunology Peer-reviewed international publications: 7 Peer-reviewed international publications on bio-electromagnetism: 3
Citations :
The publication is cited by the IAEA INIS:
The International Nuclear Information
System (INIS) hosts one of the world’s largest collections of published
information on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology. [1]
The International Atomic Energy Agency
(IAEA) is an international organization that seeks to promote the peaceful use
of nuclear energy, and to inhibit its use for any purpose, including nuclear
weapons. The IAEA was established as an autonomous organization on July 29,
1957. The IAEA Statute, [1] the IAEA reports to the United Nations General
Assembly and Security Council.
The SPPCR (Portuguese Society for Radiation Protection) is a member of the
International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA),
Publication: https://inis.iaea.org/search/search.aspx?orig_q=RN:32021831
Publication: https://inis.iaea.org/search/searchsinglerecord.aspx?recordsFor=SingleRecord&RN=32021831
Publication in Appendix 3
4/ Healthy Buildings 2000 :” Exposure, Human Responses and Building Investigations”, Syr Indoor Air Vol. 1, 2000, pages 119-124 Exposure, Human Responses and Building Investigations”, Helsinki, University of Technology,
« Computers and Health in the Workplace »
Auteurs: Jukes Associates. Ergonomic & Environmental Consultants / Tecnolab ,
5/ Bioelectromagnetics: vol. 18, N° 7, 1997 pages 514-523
« Biological Effects of Continuous Exposure of Embryos and Young Chickens to Electromagnetic Fields Emitted by Video Display
Units »
Auteurs: B. J. Youbicier-Simo, F. Boudard, C. Cabaner, and M. Bastide,
Laboratory of Immunology, College of Pharmacy , University of Montpellier 1 – France
Abstract here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9338633
Publication in Appendix 5
6/ Pathol Biol (Paris). 2003 Apr;51(3):143-6.
“Video screen exposure and 6-sulfatoxymelatonin urinary excretion in women”
[Article in French]
Auteurs : Santini R1, Messagier R, Claustrat B, Fillion-Robin M, Youbicier-Simo BJ.
Abstract here : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12781794
Publication in Appendix 6
7 /- Indoor and Built Environment: vol. 10, N°5, 2001, pages 91-98
« Toxicologic study of electromagnetic radiation emitted by television and video displayscreens and cellular telephones on chickens and mice »
Auteurs: M. Bastide 1, B. J. Youbicier-Simo 1-2, J.C.Lebecq 1, J.Giaimis 1 , 1– Laboratory of Immunology and Parasitology, MENRT-EA 2413, College of Pharmacy, University of Montpellier I. 2– Tecnolab Research Centre, Chalon sur Saône, France.
Publication in Appendix 7
- B. Papers on Compensatory Magnetic Oscillation [CMO] presented during international scientific congresses for CMO / Tecno AO [AO: Autonomous oscillators]
Experts opinions and collaborations with researchers
Prof. Madeleine BASTIDE †
Professor Emeritus in Immunology
Pharmacy Faculty – Immuniology & Parasitology Laboratory – Faculté de Pharmacie – Montpellier 1 University- France
Peer-reviewed international publications: 93 (1965 – 1997)
World renowned for her fundamental biological research on the effects of high dilutions and low doses and their possible mechanisms for biological information.
Director of studies conducted in conjunction with Dr B.J.Youbicier-Simo at Montpellier 1 University on the effects of magnetic fields on chickens and mice exposed to viewing apparatus and mobile telephones and their standardization using the magnetic oscillation compensation technology developed by Tecnolab (in 1991).
Peer-reviewed international publications from this work: 3 (1997-2000-2001)
Doctor in Neurosciences
University Reader
Immunology and Parasitology Laboratory, Pharmacy Faculty, Montpellier 1 University,
15, av. de Flahault, 34060 Montpellier Cedex 1, France Biological Research Director, Tecnolab Research
Centre Expertise: neuro-endocrinology, immunology
Peer-reviewed international publications: 7
Peer-reviewed international publications on bio-electromagnetism: 3
8/ Bastide et al., “Toxicological study of electromagnetic radiation emitted by visualization screens (TV, computers) and cell phones in chicken and mouse“, Scientific Days: “Impact on humans of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation “, Brest, France, 23-24 June 2000, Proceedings of the Colloquium, p181-194.
9/ “Mortality of chicken embryos continuously exposed under GSM cell phone and validation of the effectiveness of a protective device“
“Interference from GSM cell phone with the production of stress hormones in healthy and
Lewis Lung carcinoma-bearing mice: Effectiveness of a protective device.”
B.J. Youbicier, B. Lebecq and M. Bastide
Laboratory of Immunology, College of Pharmacy, University of Montpellier 1, France
2000 -INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CELL TOWER SITING, (Salzburg, Austria), pages 233-235
10/ “Mortality of chickens embryos exposed to EMFs from mobile phones“
11/ “Damage of chickens embryos by EMFs from mobile phones: protection by a compensation antenna“
B.J. Youbicier-Simo, J.C. Lebecq and M. Bastide
Laboratory of Immunology, College of Pharmacy, University of Montpellier 1, France
1998 – BEMS (St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA), pages 30, 100-104, 138-139
12/ “Bio effects of continuous exposure of embryos and young chickens to ELF displayed by desk computers: protective effects of Tecno AO antenna“
B.J. Youbicier-Simo, F. Boudard, C. Cabaner, M. Bastide,
Laboratory of Immunology, College of Pharmacy, University of Montpellier 1, France
1996 – EBEA European BioElectromagnetics Association (Nancy, France), pages 70, 144
13/ “Biological effects of low dose radiations from TV set on embryos and young chickens:
study of a protective material“
F. Boudard, B.J. Youbicier-Simo, J.D. Baylé, M. Bastide
Laboratory of Immunology, College of Pharmacy, Unit of Endocrine Neurobiology, University of Mont- pellier, France
1993 – GIRI (Montpellier, France), pages 15-16, 71-72
14/ “The biological effects of low doses of television emitted radiation in chick embryos and young chickens: a study of (CMO) Tecno AO protective equipment“
M.. Bastide, B. J. Youbicier-Simo, J. D Bayle
1994 – WWDU Work With Display Units (Milano, Italy), Annexe 1-8
15/ “Sensivity of chicken embryos to portable computer radiation (LCD*) and protective ef- fectiveness validation of a compensation magnetic oscillator**”
* Liquid Crystal Display ** CMO technology
This study was conducted at the University of Montpellier (France) under the scientific and technical research agreement N° 98018 between the University of Montpellier and Tecnolab.
B. J Youbicier-Simo
Laboratory of Immunology, College of Pharmacy, University of Montpellier 1, France
Appendix 9
Dr. Jean-Luc MARANDE
Doctor of medicine
Specialist employment service doctor
Hospital doctor
Cochin-Tarnier Teaching Hospital Group, Paris, France
Congresses, conferences: 10
Peer-reviewed international publications: 13
1981- 97: Publications as part of the Comité d’Hygiène et Sécurité du Travail (health and safety at work commit- tee): 21
1989-95: Clinical pharmacology research work on hepatitis A, B and C in healthcare workers
Research work on CEM:
in 1986: The workplace risks of viewing screens
87/88/92/94 : Radioprotection in hospitals
95: Work on VDUs and secretaries
95: “Etude clinique de l’état de stress lié au travail sur écran et sa correction par une protection technique du CEM de l’écran”
97: Report: Working with VDUs – implementation of Decree no. 91-451 (May 14th 1991)
16/ “Protective effect of Tecno AO (CMO) antenna against VDU EMFs as stress factor“
M. Fillion-Robin1, J.L. Marande2, C. Limoni3
1 – Tecnosphere Research Centre 71150 Sampigny, France
2 – Occupational Health Medicine, Cochin Hospital, Paris, France
3 – SSQEA Ticino, 6830 Chiasso, Switzerland
1996 – MAGNETOTHERAPY (Royal Society of Medicine, London), pages 195-203
17/ “Improvement of psychotechnical performances and stress resistance after modulation of the VDT radiation by an oscillating magnetic field”
M. Fillion-Robin1, J.L. Marande2, C. Limoni3
1 – Tecnosphere Research Centre 71150 Sampigny, France
2 – Occupational Health Medicine, Cochin Hospital, Paris, France
3 – SSQEA Ticino, 6830 Chiasso, Switzerland
1996 – MAGNETOTHERAPY (Royal Society of Medicine, London), pages 195-203
Appendix 8
Doctor in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Hospital Pharmacist
Head of Pharmacy-Pharmacology Service – Paul Brousse teaching hospital, Paris, France
Associate professor, PARIS XI University, Paris, France
(1988-2000) Publications
o international journals: 54 / national journals: 8
o other international publications: 6 (1992-93)
(1987-2001) Congress communications
o international: 53 / on CEM: 18 since 1994
o national: on CEM: 6
Peer-reviewed international publications on CEM: 3 in 1995, 1998 and 2000
o effect of 50Hz in mice and man
o effects of exposure to TV on mice
in France in1997 – human cancer and ELFs
in 2000 – Danger of mobile telephones and their relay stations
18/ “Cortisol variations observed in mice placed in front of colour TV screen: a feed back con- trol“
“Haematological effects of low doses of television emitted-radiation in mice: a parallel study with a protective equipment“
L. Bonhomme-Faivre1, R. Santini2, S. Marion3, E. Bizi1, H. Auclair3, L. Bottius1, S. Orbach-Arbouys1, N.L. Bui2
1 – Service de Pharmacie, Laboratoire de Pharmacologie
2 – Laboratoire d’Hématologie, Hôpital Paul Brousse (Paris)
3 – Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA), Laboratoire de Biochimie-Pharmacologie (Lyon- France)
1999 – BEMS – Bioelectomagnetics Society, Long Beach, California, USA, pages 41, 92
19/ “Cortisol alterations observed in mice placed in front of colour TV screen: a parallel study with protective equipment“
L. Bonhomme-Faivre1, R. Santini2, S. Orbach-Arbouys1.
1 – Service Pharmacie, Laboratoire de Pharmacologie, Hopîtal Paul-Brousse, 14 Avenue Paul Vaillant
Couturier-94800-Villejuif, France
2 – Institut National des Sciences Appliquées, Laboratoire de Biochimie-Pharmacologie, 20 Av. Albert
Einstein, 69621 Villeurbanne, France
Head of working group : mtricot@ulb.ac.be
Faculty of Sciences. Campus of Solbosch CP160/12, avenue F.D. Roosevelt 50, 1050 Bruxelles BELGIUM
Research Units / Biological Evolution and Evolutionary Biology and Ecology (EBE) Projects : Biology of Biology of Social Insects Laboratory of Evolutive Etho-Ecology, CP 160/12 DBO Faculté des Sciences, Université Libre de Bruxelles 50, Av F. Roosevelt, 1050 Bruxelles.
Peer-reviewed international publications: 17
Electromagn Biol Med. 2014 Dec;33(4):282-8. doi: 10.3109/15368378.2013.817336. Epub 2013 Aug 26. “Ants can be used as bio-indicators to reveal biological effects of electromagnetic waves from some wireless apparatus”.
Cammaerts, M.-C., Debeir, O., Cammaerts, R. (2011). Changes in Paramecium caudatum(Protozoa) near a switched-on GSM telephone. Electromagn. Biol. Med., 30: 57-66. Cammaerts M.-C., Morel F., Martino F. & Warzée N. (2012a). An easy and cheap software-based method to assess two-dimensional trajectories parameters. Belg. J. Zool.,in press.
Cammaerts M.-C., De Doncker P., Patris X., Bellens F. ,Rachidi Z. & Cammaerts D. (2012b).GSM 900 MHz radiations inhibits ants’ association between food sites and encountered cues. Electromagn Biol Med., 31: 151-165. DOI:
Cammaerts M.-C., Rachidi Z., Bellens F &. De Doncker P. (2012c). Responses topheromones and food collection in an ant species under the influence of electromagnetic waves. Electromagn Biol Med., in press.
21 / “Effects of radiations from a Wi-Fi router on ants’ behavior and evaluation of the compensating CMO biotechnology”
It became clear that any electromagnetic field has an effect on living organisms. Many scientific papers show multiple biological effects of radiation from mobile phones (for expl.. Benlaidi and El Kharroussi, 2011; Cammaerts et al, 2011; Everaert and Bauwens, 2007; Favre, 2011; Orendaeova et al, 2009; Panagopoulos et al., 2004; Sharma and Kumar, 2010; Wang et al., 2009; Goodman et al 2003).. The authors often speak of biological stress, in general (eg Adang et al., 2009).
Moreover, Wi-Fi technology is now very widely used, and, though imperceptible to human radiation , it , nevertheless, alters undoubtedly the environment. It seemed appropriate to explore whether Wi-Fi transmitters also disrupted biological systems of living beings, observing, for example, their behavior in the absence and presence of the EM radiation.
Ants are a living biological model of choice. Their high sensitivity allows them to quickly detect the presence of undesirable elements, so small they are, in their environment. They were therefore used as a “bio-telling” system to reveal the potential adverse effect of radiation from a home Wi-Fi router, and then to test the effectiveness of a “EM compensation” biotechnology (CMO / ref . MF04). The observed behavior of the ants was movement (their linear and angular velocity), which instantly changes following their collection of new elements, unusual, hostile or friendly to the environment.
Study resume before publication:
Pr. Vladimir N. BINHI
PhD. in Mathematics and Physics
Head of Electromagnetic Biophysics Laboratory,
General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,
38, Vavilova St., Moscow 119991, GSP-1, Russia
Consultant, Director of Physics and Biophysics Department, Tecnolab Research Centre, France
Expertise: Quantum physics
Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Official WHO correspondent for Russia
Magnetic processes in molecular systems
Proton dynamics and structure defects in liquid water
Theoretical modelling of biological effects of electromagnetic fields
Magnetic measurements
Peer-reviewed international publications since 1990: 24
Abstracts, preprints, reports: 34
Author of a book on theoretical biophysics:
“Magnetobiology: Underlying Physical Problems” published by Academic Press, London, 2002
22/ “kT Problem in Magnetobiology: The Present State of the Art and Perspectives of the Solution“
V.N. Binhi – General Physic Institute RAS, Institute of Cell Biophysics RAS, Moscow, Russia
1999 – ELECTROMAGNETICS AND HUMAN HEALTH (Moscow, Russia), pages 250-251
“Tecno AO (CMO) Technology: Biological Effects of EM and Torsion Fields“
M. Fillion-Robin1, A.E. Akimov2, V.N. Binhi2
1 – Tecnolab Research Centre, ZAC de la Thalie, Av. l’Europe, 71100 Chalon Sur Saône, France
2 – International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics RANS, Russia
1999, PIERS Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (Taipei, Taiwan), page 441
“Physical constraints specifying primary mechanisms whereby Tecno AO and superweak
EMFs affect biological systems“
V.N. Binhi1, M. Fillion-Robin2 and G. Picard3
1 – International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics RANS, Russia
2 – Tecnolab Research Centre, ZAC de la Thalie, Av. l’Europe, 71100 Chalon Sur Saône, France
3 – Department of Analytical Chemistry, Turin University, 10125 Turin, Italy
1998 – BEMS (St.Pete Beach, Florida, USA), pages 30, 100-104, 138-139
Prof. Gerald J. HYLAND
Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics
1998-2001 – Senior Lecturer in Theoretical Physics
Department of Physics, Warwick University, Coventry, UK
2001- Associate Fellow of Warwick University, Coventry, UK
1997- Member of the Executive Board of the International Institute of Biophysics, Neuss-Holzheim, Germany
1965- 91 – Work on biophysics with Prof. Herbert Fröhlich, F.R.S. 1985 “From Theoretical Physics to Biology : The Forward Path of Theory with Herbert Fröhlich”
International biophysics expert on the interaction of exogenous non-ionising CEM (MW) with the endogenous activity of coherent microwaves in living systems.
Government consultant on the potential risks of mobile telephones and their non-thermal health effects. Peer-reviewed international publications on bio-electromagnetism: 15
Current theories and research: Origins of ‘coherent excitation’ cerebral waves, biophotonic emissions and micro- waves at a cellular level; role of external CEM on EEG structure and spectrum; Creating of electromagnetic bio- compatibility.
(WHO adviser)
24/ “Electromagnetic Biocompatibility at Workplace: Protection Principles, Assessment and Tests. Results of an EMF Protective Compensation Technology in Humans and in Animals” G J. Hyland1,
1 – University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
1 – International Institute of Biophysics, Germany
2 – University of Reading, UK
Progress in Radiation Protection (Publication Series), 1999 – NIR Non Ionizing Radiation (IRPA) (Cologne, Germany), pages 213-242
- C. Expert opinion on CMO Technology
Prof. Marc HENRY
Marc HENRY is a teacher-researcher and professor at the University of Strasbourg where he teaches chemistry, materials science and quantum physics.
(UMR 7140)
Marc Henry has been interested in water throughout his career.
Author of a book on Water and Quantum Physics : « L’eau et la physique quantique – Vers une révolution de la médecine » Broché – 3 septembre 2016 de Marc Henry (Auteur) Editions DANGLES
Profile : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marc_Henry
“Water and electromagnetism, the point of view of science“
Can the electromagnetic waves around us affect our health?
In this lecture given at Hochfelden during the spring of 2014, Marc Henry develops the health consequences of exposure to extra-low frequency electromagnetic waves in relation with the structuring of water in areas of coherence sensitive to the fields. electromagnetic.
Marc Henry talks about CMO :
“Of all the protection systems that I have been able to study, only the “ComoSystems” device seems credible to me. Experiments have been made with ants, with the protection system, without the protection system, and we can see that the ants are returning to normal behavior [see the video: https://www.facebook.com/1647899225495677/videos/2003425623276367/ So these are systems that can protect your home and the people who live in it. Of course, we will have to do further studies to find out if there are no frequency bands where we could really have no effect, but in the meantime, there is enough evidence for worry about an ever increasing exposure to electromagnetic waves. The best is to protect yourself, especially if you are a pregnant woman or with children. I had the opportunity to test in the laboratory the effectiveness of CMO systems and we can see that there is an effect on water and living things. The operating principle is based on an autonomous oscillator (passive resonator) which emits an “ultra-weak” ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) magnetic field when subjected to a “pollutant” electromagnetic field. These hyper weak magnetic fields target the ion-protein complexes, which they help to maintain the integrity by a resonance effect. The device was therefore designed with scientific knowledge published in various scientific journals and based on quantum field physics. We would like the many other companies that market EMF systems to do the same. ComoSystems is therefore a serious company that has a scientific approach to the problem and proposes original solutions, which motivates my interest and my support. “