You will find below a list of F.A.Q that always come up: if you dont find the answer, don’t hesitate to ask us: you will get a reply ! We may add any new question with appropriate answers as it comes. If you need pure, informative instructions on how to use your product, or find technical information on a specific product, please, visit this page: https://biohacking.comosystems.com/
Q: Why does the Industry and Authorities claim that mobile phones, Wi-Fi and Smart meters are safe?
Dr Rene Messagier (PhD):“Safety levels are based on an outdated belief that in order to cause biological affects, EMFs must have a thermal effect (i.e. have a heating effect). This belief was the basis of the SAR scale which is still used to determine safety levels. Industry-sponsored research is used to justify the ongoing expansion of the use of EMFs, whereas independent research provides much evidence of the dangers. It has been proven beyond doubt that EMFs do not need to cause a thermal effect to alter our biology however much the Industry denies it.”
Q: The standard on electromagnetic fields is based on the SAR, how to explain that the CMOs are effective while the SAR is not modified?
Dr Rene Messagier (PhD): “S.A.R (Specific Absorption Rate) quantifies the short-term thermal effects caused by electromagnetic waves. The S.A.R is perfectly adapted for the quantification of heating of the tissues and the levels of enrergy deposit in the organism, but is not a measure in relation with the biological effects in the long term. For the record, the S.A.R. applied to the mobile phone comes from the following measurement: a volume (equivalent to a human head) is filled with a liquid (saline type); a probe is plunged into this liquid; this volume is exposed to the mobile phone to be tested, emitting at full power, for a total duration of 6 minutes The limit value of the “DAS head” is 1,6 W/kg. Above this value, the phone will be declared not compliant. Otherwise “no worries”! These calculations are detailed in the ICNIRP (International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) booklets in its “Guide for the Establishment of Exposure Limits for Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields”.
But even the ICNIRP recognizes (page 25) that “(…) the measurement results seem to indicate the existence of a positive association between magnetic fields and the risk of leukemia (…)”, and that (page 31):”In monkeys, the degradation of thermoregulatory behavior begins as soon as the temperature of the hypothalamic region increases by 0.2 – 0.3 ° C [Adair et al., 1984].
In fact, to demonstrate the effectiveness of biological protection, only biological measures should be taken in consideration. The S.A.R. is based on physical measures and calculations, not on biological measures. CMO validation studies are based on biological measurements.“
Q: Why are pregnant women, babies and children most at risk?
Dr Messagier (PhD): “The ability of EM radiation to penetrate the body is determined by two factors: wavelength and intensity. The smaller the body, the further the same wavelength penetrates it proportionally. This is most easily demonstrated by showing the heating effect of a mobile phone on the skulls of people of different ages.( see figure below) Children have thinner skulls, which explains the increase in the rate of tissue penetration”.

Developing fetuses, babies and children also have much higher numbers of stem cells which research has demonstrated are more susceptible to EMFs than already differentiated cells.
Q. Does CMO represents another type of EMF pollution?
Dr Rene Messagier (PhD):“No, the level of intensity (power) of the signal emitted by the CMO is of the same order of magnitude as the magnetic field emitted by the brain: 150 femtoTesla, that is to say hyperweak. This signal is designed to compensate for the biological effects of electromagnetic waves, by allowing the cells of the body to exchange normally and naturally, despite the presence of artificial electromagnetic radiations, thus restroring better homeostasis. The CMO will not absorb the waves, nor move them ! The CMO will compensate for the biological effects caused by electromagnetic waves, by biological signaling, as the studies have shown. This compensation signal can therefore have no influence on the electronic part of the devices (transmission quality or reception), nor modify the SAR: it is not their objective nor his mode of action”.
Q: Why will 5G be more dangerous than 2, 3 or 4G?
Dr Messagier (PhD): “With the massive increase in the amount of communications, the bandwidth used for 2-4G has all but been used up. New forms of communication must therefore use a different frequency. 5G use higher frequencies which have advantages for data carriage and download speeds in terms of Gb/sec compared to the current Mb/sec. However the downsides are that the higher frequency has greater heating effects, is more disruptive and because it cannot be relayed over such long distances requires a network of 5G masts much closer together which means that there will be many more masts (sources of EM radiation) in closer proximity to people, their homes and offices. In cities, 5G masts will be placed approximately every 5-10 houses on street lights. The strength of the signal is highest closer to the masts which means many more people will be forced to live in close proximity to them with little prospect of being able to move away from them. These higher frequencies also could cause much greater harm in insects such as bees who we rely on for pollination for food production.
Also, millimeter waves will be the frequencies used, and research has demonstrated that our skin and eyes* will be the favorite target of millimeter waves. Researchers (such as Paul Ben Ishai and Yuri Feldman (The human skin as a sub-THz receiver – Does 5G pose a danger to it or not. Betzalel N, Ben Ishai P, Feldman Y), have demonstrated that our sweat ducts act as an amplifying antenna able to propagate radiation deep into our bodies. Also, researcher Pr Martin Pall wrote and published this report that is alarming: 5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them
COMOSYSTEMS is on an ongoing research program to assess the biological effects of 5G: hopefully, we were forced to realize that 5G for now is more a fantasy than a physical reality: all the tests we have done in some cities have not found the technologies normally related to 5G: beamforming, beamtracking, massive MIMO, including heavy infrastructure in the urban furniture: we must be aware that, at this date, 5G is only a project, whose realization is still a vast topic of discussion. What we found was more a type of “faster 4G”, but really nothing to worry about for now. We shall keep you informed, since of course we need to anticipate on 5G dangers, and be ready before it is out there”.
*Ocular Effects of Exposure to 40, 75, and 95 GHz Millimeter Waves (Masami Kojima, Yukihisa Suzuki, Kensuke Sasaki, Masao Taki, Kanako Wake, Soichi Watanabe, Maya Mizuno, Takafumi Tasaki, Hiroshi Sasaki)
Q: How does CMO help?
Dr Rene Messagier, PhD: “Of course, you should read these pages: https://biohacking.comosystems.com/how-it-works/
A CMO device is stimulated by the EM radiation that hits it to generate a compensating signal which reinforces the correct biological frequencies within the cells. This reinforcement signal prevents the EM pollution from interfering and disrupting our normal biological processes. This means our cells function as normal, allowing us to live in harmony with EM-generating technology safely. The CMO compensating signal does not alter the functionality of the technology so we can still benefit from using it.
In other words, CMO technology helps the body maintain a stable homeostasis, that correspond to the right distribution of your ions in the cells and fluids”.
Q: What proof is there that CMO works?
Dr Rene Messagier (PhD): “There has been 10+ years of research performed by independent scientists that have proven that CMO devices mitigate the adverse effects. These have been carried out on a number of stress markers in people as well as an ant study because they are very susceptible to the adverse effects of EMFs but representative of how insects generally are affected.”
You have access to the whole scientific summary of all the studies performed and demonstrating the efficiency of the C.M.O here: https://biohacking.comosystems.com/science/science-behind/
Q: Has CMO got official recognition?
Dr Rene Messagier (PhD): “The AFSSAPS (French Health Products Safety Agency) reviewed the Comosystems file to determine which claims could be allowed for the distribution of CMO devices.
In conclusion of their examination, they authorised Comosystems in a public declaration to allow us to make the following statement:
CMO is “An excellent way ( …) to protect ourselves effectively from the uncertain but likely harmful electromagnetic waves”. (published in the “Journal Officiel”).
Q: Who are your clients?
Dr Rene Messagier (PhD): “Essentially health / wellness professionals (therapists, doctors, naturopaths), dietary stores, and their patients / clients, more recently, biohackers find a particular interest in this technology due to its capacity to upgrade measured markers representative of a effective homeostasis, (that is a good balance in ions distribution) leading to improved performance in terms of neurobiology or physical performance.” Our technology starts to be the reference for top influencers, such as DAVE ASPREY (www.biohacked.com)
Q: If I buy a MF04-Harmony, do I still need to buy a PC16-PCZONE for my laptop/tablet or a MP24 -EASYCALL for my mobile phone?
Dr Rene Messagier (PhD): “Ideally, yes. A MF04-Harmony will deliver full protection against mobile phones and laptops when they are away from the body on charge or on a table etc, however we tend to use them right next to the body. An MF04-Easycall and PC16- PCZone will provide additional benefit when a mobile/laptop/tablet is used close to the body and in the case of a mobile, often carried in a pocket right next to the body too. The extra protection is required because the power output from when devices are used so close is much higher than the general level of EMFs we experience from more distant multiple sources. The MF04-Harmony and TR26-Traveller can deal perfectly well with these. The stochastic resonance mechanism in the body naturally amplifies the CMO to mitigate against these levels of EMF. When a mobile/laptop/tablet are so close they can swamp the CMO signal unless it is introduced more directly from a closer source of CMO device too. Of course many people have a mobile and laptop/tablet because they are fully portable and they often take them out and about outside the home and outside the range of the Harmony too. An MP24-Easycall and a PC16-PCZone are needed for this situation.The significantly higher power of personal devices is perfectly demonstrated by the French mobile phone research results graph below that shows how much higher than the permitted levels the EMF absorption (SAR) becomes when mobile phones are used in direct contact with the head. This exceeds permitted levels in many cases multiple times. Similar results were found for later model phones too in research published in the USA in 2019. Mobile phone small print often tells users to use the mobile 15mm away from the body and not in direct contact, but how often do we ignore this in order to hear clearly in a loud room, and how can you comply with this instruction if you carry it in your pocket”
Q: If I change my phone or PC/tablet/laptop can I move my CMO to my new device?
Dr Rene Messagier (PhD): “Yes! NB: In order to remove your CMO button, we advise you to take a simple nylon thread, slide it between the CMO and the phone (or PC/laptop/tablet), and shear the adhesive pads off in order to loosen the CMO delicately. You can get new adhesive pads from an office supplies or hobby store. To ensure better adhesion, the surface of the device and MP24-Easycall/PC16-PCZone must be clean and smooth so the adhesive can stick properly.”
CAUTION: Never attempt to remove a CMO button from a device on which it is glued by pulling or using a knife to peel it off. You risk weakening the seal between the two metal parts enclosing the active solution. The guarantee does not apply if the CMO becomes unsealed after an unsuitable removal or otherwise abused. We also advise you to remove traces of the old adhesive from your CMO (and the old phone) with 70° alcohol. Once the area is clean and dry, you can put the new adhesive pads on your CMO and finally stick it onto your new device.”
Q: How long will it take to notice any difference?
Dr Messagier (PhD) : “This is an individual response determined by a number of factors. Different people experience EMFs to different degrees. The latest figures from countries who are very much more aware of electrosensitivity than the UK suggest that around least 8% of the population suffer from EM pollution and are termed Electro HyperSensitive (EHS). Whilst many people are individually unaware of adverse effects, everybody is adversely effected with many experiencing lesser symptoms to some degree that they do not consciously associate to the EMFs that have caused them. How long it takes for an individual to feel better will therefore depend on how badly they are affected, how quickly their cells and body can reverse the changes, how strong their exposure is and whether they are covered by CMO at work as well as at home etc. Many CMO users report the disappearance of symptoms they had not previously associated with EMF exposure.
As explained also on our page about stochastic resonance, our ion channels are equipped with sensors who practice “feedback loops” assessments: your own body always filters and analyze what come from outside: it takes many loops before the stochastic resonance of the sensors “accept” the new signals coming from the CMO: usually, it takes less than 2 months in the worst cases, for the body to cope with CMO and to integrate the CMO signals as “healthy and necessary”: this is evolution.”
Q: How does the network signal strength (as shown on a mobile phone) correlate to the strength of the emitted EMFs
Dr Rene Messagier (PhD): “Contrary to what you may think, the weaker the network signal, the harder your mobile phone has to work to maintain the connection. This means the emitted EMFs are potentially more harmful when you are making calls in a weak signal area, or in enclosed spaces such as a car etc. This is why other so-called protection devices that claim to cut out or absorb EMFs can actually make the situation worse. These physical protections acting on the geometry of the fields can even lead to the creation of localized areas of reinforcement of the signal which can become more dangerous than the fields of origin”.
Q: How is CMO affected by temperature?
Dr Messagier (PhD): “CMO technology is stable from freezing to 65°C. Due to the crystalline solution it freezes below 0°C. When CMO freezes there is temporary interruption of the mitigating signal which regains its efficacy when it thaws. Above 65°C the mitigating signal is irretrievably destroyed. Under normal weather conditions CMO should not be at risk, however we advise not keeping your CMO in an area where sunlight may be magnified and amplified through glass”.
Q: How is CMO affected by security X-ray etc?
Dr Messagier (PhD): “CMO technology is designed to function within EMF pollution zones. There are no issues arising from your TR26-Traveler and/or MP24-Easycall and/or PC16-PCZone going through security scanners or X-ray detectors. Just put them in the tray as usual and there should be no problems.”
Q: How does CMO technology compare with other devices that claim to protect from EMFs
Dr Messagier (PhD):“Firstly, CMO does not claim to be a shield against EMFs. It is not possible to shield the body from all EMFs even if you are in some sort of partial Faraday cage. Ultralow EMFs can still get through and cause a biological effect. Only professional constructions with mu metal can cut out all EMFs. If you were truly shielded then the technology will not work within the influence of the shield. CMO works by emitting a compensation signal that influences the body. This has been verified through a number of research studies and by multiple scientists in different universities and laboratories that prove a real beneficial biological effect. It is up to other technologies to verify their own efficacy and establish how they work in repeated experiments at high level research establishments. The true measure of how well any material or device can protect you is the actual biological effect and changes in biomarkers, not whether it can absorb a part of EMFs.
Some people attempt to build themselves a Farady cage-like arrangement for protection which can cut out man-made EMFs but can also cut out natural ones that the body requires to be healthy. A Faraday cage can exacerbate symptoms in some situations.
To our knowledge no other technology has been tested to the same extent as CMO.”
Q: Where are CMO manufactured?
Dr Rene Messagier (PhD): “CMO technology is manufactured in France : the active solution is elaborated in our own laboratory and the parts are assembled in a high precision factory*, although the Head Office for the business is located in Spain.”
Assembly factory:
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